Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, also known as ADHD, is a condition that affects millions of children and adults. Today, ADHD affects approximately 3% to 5% of the school-age population, with boys diagnosed 3 to 4 times more than girls.For a child with ADHD, it can mean feeling alone, and being unable to make and keep friends or participate in after-school activities, such as sports. Usually, academic performance is affected, too. Without the proper attention, problems associated with ADHD may continue into adolescence and adulthood. And while many people are being treated for the disorder, many others are not receiving the proper care and attention they need.

Keep in mind that ADHD is a condition that affects not only the people who have it, but those around them as well. The following web sites provide information for parents and families about ADHD, how it is diagnosed, and an overview of treatment options.

Children with Attention Deficit Disorders (CHADD)

National Center for Learning Disabilities

Learning Disabilities Association of America